Location - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India * A/S/L - 24/M/English,Hindi,Panjabi,Bengali * Currently - Berozgar * Birthday - 4th October * Love Playing Basketball and eating Chocolates * Love to eat Panjabi Food * .....More about me in My Blogs *

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

French, What is French ?????

My personal experience about trying to use a different language taught me one thing certainly.Never trust these computer dictionaries, no matter how much they claim that they can convert words from one lingo to the other CORRECTLY, they can't , just can't.

I was once Chatting in Yahoo ! with a French girl and I told her that I could manage a little bit of French.Actually I could not(and still can't speak more than 4,namely Hindi,English,Panjabi and Bengali), but had a Software that COULD CONVERT any english word into many other languages(and vice versa).

She then started with a hello in French,I managed to reply correctly, and then took the initiative to ask her - "Can you Speak any other language like me ?"

This was where Maine apne paon par kulhadi nahi mari, par kulhadi par paon mar diya..

What I said was correct except one thing - the converted CAN meant Can as in a Can of Coke,Baked Beans,etc and not as in the ability to do a specified task.

She LOL-ed and then told me the mistake that I had made.

Embarassed , I didn't speak any more FRENCH and ended the conversation asap.

Though this taught me an Important lesson, I still had that same software in my home PC,awaiting the day when I would find another Firangi Kudi and SPEAK to her in her language.

Keep the Blogs Flowing !!


n.b. For any translations, contact a Hindi Speaking Friend


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