Friday, January 25, 2008
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
2 (Two) Left Feet..

I felt the same emotion today morning...
As a daily ritual, Music was being played in our flat in the morning when I came across a wonderful song - Careless Whispers {Careful Whispers for a Friend of mine}, lots of wonderful memories came flooding back and I was instantly taken back in time to a room in HN, wid around 15 more people... A place where only one thing was missing...
A person wid "2 Left feet"
I've always wanted to and so have strived to Dance Better, people have told me that I dance well, I appreciate that, but I've always told myself, You can do better...
Till the time I decided to dance not for others, but for myself. I hadn't realised this fact till today morning when I really wanted to dance but couldn't 'coz I had to rush to office. After returning in the evening, I did dance on the same song {Careless Whispers}, though without a partner. See the Irony - A couple dance all by myself...
I realised that Dancing is one thing that I crave for, it is always in my subconscious {I hope I got the spelling right}, my feet keep moving all the time, gimme any music and I start "thirakna" on the beats, start thinking about which steps would look good if a dance were to be choreographed for the Music..
All in all, I m a Music Buff and a Dance Addict, there's no doubting that, and though I feel that I should now start dancing for myself, I assure you there is One performance due from my side which will "Raise the Bar", something in which I would "Dance like a Dream"
Regards people
Keep Grooving
Rishy :)
{This Blog has been written as an e-mail message in my Compose E-mail option as I didn't have anything else suitable enough to type and save, hope any mistakes that might have arisen as a result of this will be overlooked}
{Also, there is gonna be a separate blog altogether about my most cherished dance partner,my Babu :) The wait isn't long... Keep watching this space}
{Also, excuse the pic, it was the best i could manage at this hour,will change it as soon as I find a better one :) }
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Great Illusion... Thanks Ram :)

The above illusion proves that - All our senses cheat us from time to time...
The TONGUE - cheats us when we drink something sweet right after we have had something sweet to eat...
The EARS - hear "Silence" when there are so many sound waves around (higher or lower frequencies)...
The NOSE - doesn't smell a smell if we are exposed to it for long...
The SKIN - doesn't feel a cold object if it itself has been exposed to cooler temperatures for a while...
The EYES - well, see the above illusion to CONFIRM...
This is after a long time that an ILLUSION has really made me - SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE... I hereby mention the source of it as my Batchmate Ram Duggirala...
I hope that the Image is clearly visible, if it isn't lemme know...
Trust me, you'll stop at only a comparison of the 2 colours {or colors for a couple of my friends :) } in MS Paint or any other software to BELIEVE this...
Rishy :)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Ze 2 Typezzz....
Zhere are 2 typez of Men...
1) Zhose who Don't Unzerstanz Women/Girlz;
2) Zhose zho act az if zhey do.
Friday, December 01, 2006
It doesn't even Matter - Linkin Park Lyrics...
"In The End"
(It starts with)
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on / but didn’t even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I’m surprised it got so (far)
Things aren’t the way they were before
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
What’s right and what’s not ?

A Simple yet Complex question…
So easy to categorize something as right or wrong but so difficult to actually say what it means… bole to examples can be sighted, but definitions are difficult to give…
Right – Something that a person finds to be RIGHT, nope, something that a person finds to be just and correct, something that a person finds to be acceptable…
Not very exact, hai na ? Kinda Vague… Do notice that I have used “A Person” in all definitions, because things and situations tend to vary between right or wrong depending on PERSONS, and their interpretations of them…
Something that is right for one may not be right for another, and vice versa… now you may say, main jaanta/jaanti hu.. Even I ain’t saying that you don’t.. Am just writing it down..
Your “Right” depends on how you perceive things, see them in respect to all the available stimuli and then make a calculated inference from them… I have made choices that seemed Right, given the circumstances and evidence, and have had no Second thoughts about them…
Yes, I have been through situations that seemed difficult to handle…
Yes, I have done things that are not “Right”…
But then again,
Yes, I have lived through them…
I don’t think this would be considered a good blog since all thoughts are random..
Anyhows, this blog marks an year and 11 days of Blogging by Rishy.. Thanks for bearing wid me all this while.. Hoping that I’ll give you something better to read in the times to come…
A wrong can never be right, but 3 lefts are…
I ain't the Best, but I am Good...
Fill in the blanks…
Rishy is a LO_ER
a) N
b) S
c) V
d) None of These
e) All of These
f) Any Other (Please Specify)
Awaiting your posts…
Sunday, September 24, 2006
The Human Bite...
Well, I bit my finger while I was eating a couple of days back…
Well, many of you might have done that… But then, what caught my attention more wasn’t the pain, but the intensity with which I did actually BITE… It was awesome, I mean, I could have easily hurt myself if I hadn’t checked myself…
I had read a comparison of a Human Bite being as powerful as “Something”, if anyone of you could help me out on this, lemme know…
Well, nothing else rite now…
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I was Dead...
I was granted Life...
Am dying again...
I don't want a Life this time around...
Rishy.... :(
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
after a lot of days...
...well, aaj ek shikayat sunne ko mili...
ek dost ne kaha, you don't love us...
maine kaha, may be...
actually, ab nahi hoga pyar, HO HI NAHI SAKTA...
bahut lamba safar hai, aur main hoon, sirf main...
bahut kuch chhoot gaya hai peechay, bahut kuch...
ab aur kuch khone ki himmat nahi hai mujh mei...
Thursday, July 13, 2006
As A Teenager...
I had read...
Keep your targets high,
So that you reach at least somewhere...
I hope I remember correctly
Now I realize, when you do this, the Disappointment that you have of not reaching your targets is immense...
It Basically Sucks...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
An Interesting Eye Opener...
So, what do you see?
Now, proceed and read below to find an explanation of what you really saw.
I am sure you will find this very interesting…
Research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such scenario.
What they will see are the Nine Dolphins…
Additional note – This is a test to determine if you already have a corrupted mind.
If it is hard for you to find the dolphins within 3 seconds, your mind is indeed corrupted.
So, how many did you find ??
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Another Design Similarity of Burj Dubai….
When seen from the top, i.e. the aerial view is similar to Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, Korea…
Seeing is Believing… So, here are the visuals (aerial shots)…
Burj Dubai (Render)

Ryugyong Hotel, Pyongyang

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Design Background.... Taipei 101 and Burj Dubai
The Designs of both Taipei 101 and Burj Dubai have a Mention in History
Taipei 101 is similar to Jin Mao, a traditional Chinese pagoda in an architectural style of Tang dynasty. See for Yourself: -
Taipei 101 –

Jin Mao –
While many have said that The Burj Dubai (Around 800 Mtrs) looks similar to a 1956 Concept “The Illinois” (Also known as The Mile High Skyscraper, Around 1609 Mtrs!!!, Not Actually Constructed)
Here’s a Comparison…. Of just the designs and not the Height…
Post No. 51 - Thoda Hatt Ke...

I came across Burj Dubai, the Would-Be-Tallest-Skyscraper and I had to share it with you people... I have looked up loads of Info. about it on the net, which I would be sharing with you all in the coming Posts...
The diagram above Compares the Current Tallest Skyscraper, The Taipei 101 with Burj Dubai...
Sunday, May 28, 2006
This Blog is the first in a series... The thoughts have been expressed as and when they have come to me, randomly...
Disclaimer: I am NOT SAYING - I am the Best… All I am trying to say here is that I sure am better than a lot… And wish to get even better…
I have taken a Kick, an Elbow, a Knee and the Basketball itself right on my face, *** other places too *** Fell countless times, hurt my Back, my Waist, bruised my Knees, bled from the nose & mouth, almost Broke a Finger, lost a few nails, ran Hundreds of Miles, played it in the Sun and Rain…
But in the End, it Never Hurt,
Other things I have Loved and Lived have Hurt me more…
Rightly said, Bruised Knees are easier to heal than Broken Hearts…
My, rather Our, Pallav’s and mine, First day at the Basketball Coaching Centre – Sports Authority of India, Netaji Subhas Eastern Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata… For reasons known to don’t know whom… I ended up in a Jeans & T-Shirt, he was in shorts and T-Shirt… The Coach promptly asked me not to play, and sit and observe what was going on… We had just appeared for My Class X CBSE Exams, it was March 1999…
It was just the Beginning of An Eternal Love Story….
A Lover who never asked Questions… Never said NO… Always responded in the way you handled it, didn’t have mood swings… always gave you more than you could give…
A Love that deepened with Devotion…
A Lover I knew would never ever Leave Me…
Unless One of us Perished…
Things you Love have a soothing effect on you as nothing else, they calm you down to an extent that you are at a Higher Level… Well, yes, they do, don’t Believe me, Try it out yourselves…
An instance from my life…
2nd week of November 2000
Inter – House Basketball Tournament
Basketball Court, Hariyana Vidya Mandir, Calcutta
My School
It was the Finals, we were the Favourites, I was the Captain of my team, Yes I Was… The pressure was huge, yet I was Calm, I was amazed to find myself calm, especially when others around were so excited…
Before the game, I introduced my Team to our Principal Sir, who told me to play well…
We lost the Toss… and had to face the Sun in our eyes in the first half…
I messed up the jump ball, the opponent was taller, the opposition had possession… Not for long… ;)
Don’t remember who got the ball into our possession… I had the ball in my hand, I was in the D, *** I must confess here that I am not that good at scoring baskets standing, that is, in Shooting, but better at passing and scoring on the move, right under the basket *** I was tempted to take the SHOT, I knew it was my chance to either make the game or lose the initiative, I SCORED, 2 points in the kitty…
The stands, if you could call the side lines of the court that, started chanting MY NAME, well, IT SURE WAS SPECIAL !!!
It was then that I felt someone inside telling me - Nothing can beat you Now…
Nothing did…
25 minutes, a hurt waist, after a few many confrontations and after a kick to my face, *** there were other casualties too *** the game was called off by the referee, Our PT Teacher, due to Non – Sportsmanship by our Opposition, who eventually lost 10-0 (I Scored 6 of them)
Our House Lifted the Trophy, sadly, I wasn’t there, the trophy was presented during My preparatory leave for the XII Board Exams…
A compliment received from a good friend (alright, a girl) of mine after the tournament ended…
“ I had heard that you play well, but…. You play really well… “
A truth that was spoken to me by my Coach…
“ You will Never be able to dunk ! “
Dunk – Scoring by slamming the ball into the basket from above the basket, needs good height plus a very good ability to jump… I don’t have the height :(
Wish I had a few more inches, not horizontally but vertically… ;)
I would have loved it if I could Dunk, but what if I can’t Dunk, I can Still Play !
It’s like the person You Love Doesn’t love you, but then – It is more Important to Love than to be Loved !
Now, you people will think that here Rishy goes again…
No, he doesn’t !!
I assure You…
Till next time
What do you say ??
Well, once in life, SHE meant a lot to me…MEANT !!!
If you happen to know HER
If you are HER, I have a Message for you…
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

There are very few things in Life that satisfy you so much...
I found a Basketball Court Near my accomodation (around 3.5 kms from here) today... No sight has pleased me as much in the past 11-1/2 months as the sight of this basketball court...

Regards Rishy...

Sunday, May 21, 2006
Trying to keep my Promise…
“Amrish …”
“Give it to me …”
“Cooome On !”
“Arey, wahan se nahi …”
“Hey !!! ”
“Move up...”
“That was Awwwwesome ! ”
“Come on, Let’s do it Once again…”
“Cover me …”
“Make a false move …”
“Bola tha na …”
“Take a 3 – Pointer …”
“Paaaaaass it …”
“Guard kar …”
“Cooooool ! ”
“Good One ! ”
“Let’s do it One – on – One …”
“You Rock !”
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
The Important Thing was TO LOVE rather than TO BE LOVED...
Nice Quote !
Came across it today on my own PC. Don't remember though when I did save it.
Well, I practiced some Yoga in the morning today... Practiced Visualization... I replayed my
in my head, and it felt so soothing...
I think I am now falling in LOVE with YOGA...
PEACE, I think I now know where to LOOK for IT
Rishy :)
PS - I know a few of my blogs are incomplete as of now, I assure you they'll be published sometime soon...
Sunday, May 07, 2006
zindagi, meri mujhe kuch sikhaya hai...
"Aaj ka din thik thak guzar gaya...
Kisi ko bahut yaad kiya...
Thoda roya...
Kuch aisi baatein sochi jin ko soch kar koi fayda nahi...
Us raah chala tha main, ek humrahi ke saath...
Ab na woh raah rahi, na woh humrahi...
Reh gaya hoon to sirf main, main aur main...
Us raah jane ki soch kar bhi kaampne lagta hu...
Par kabhi kabhi is kshanbhangur jeevan ki maya...
Mujhe wapas us raah ki aor mod deti hai...
Jis raah na chalne ki sochi thi...
Aek doosri raah...
Kuch apne jaise log...
Kuch kadam saath saath...
Saath chaley...
Aagey badey...
Kabhi sang muskuraye...
Kabhi shikwa bhi kiya...
Kabhi kisi ko gussa diliya...
Kuch dair mei mana liya...
Azaadi mili...
Purani soch se...
Un baaton se jinhe bhula dena zaroori hai...
Jinhe Dil ke kise kone mei...
Dafn karne ki meri har aek koshish...
Nakaam ho jati hai...
Meri zindagi mei jo bhi...
Aaya, Gaya, Aa kar reh gaya...
Sabhi ko bas yehi kahunga...
Aap ne mujhe kuch na kuch...
Jane anjane zaroor sikhaya hai...
Uska main shukraguzar hoon...
Zindagi itni chhoti nahi...
Ki phir aapse mulaqat na ho...
Itni lambi bhi nahi...
Ki phir mulaqat ho...
"Chah kar bhi kuch ko na bhula paunga...
Bhula kar bhi kuch ko na chah paunga..."
Regards - Rishy
Photo Courtesy -
Mobile Cameras
Friday, May 05, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Blog 30.04.2006
Cruising at well, maybe 10 kph…. On the railway tracks linking New Delhi and Mumbai, getting faster…
Well, while writing this blog entry my feet are not exactly “FIRMLY ON THE GROUND”, they are resting comfortably in Sukhasana…. Ha ha ha, I DO MISS YOGA AFTER ALL…
I am on my way to Mumbai today, aboard Rajdhani Express Summer Special Train, from Nizammuddin to Mumbai Central. It’s 1905 hrs and I am very excited about my Summer Project. Now that certain things have been taken care of, I can concentrate solely and entirely on the task at hand….
Ladies and Gentlemen, My Love Story with My Project Begins……
Had a whale of a time for the past 48 hrs….
Allow me to take you through it all…
(Times mentioned are approximations)
28th April 2006
1900 hrs – Kurla Station, on Local bound for Andheri
2000 hrs – Around Santa Cruz Airport
2100 hrs – Rimsha and Me on two Luggage Trolleys at the Entrance of Terminal 1B, Departures, Domestic Flights; having Gatorade Orange
2200 hrs – Rimsha, Lovey, Nakul and Me at the same place, TP-ing
2300 hrs – Rimsha and Me sitting in the Airport Lounge after Check-in and Security check, awaiting the announcement for boarding for our flight – Spicejet Flight 118
29th April 2006
0000 hrs – In Queue, waiting for the shuttle bus service
0100 hrs – Airborne, maybe writing my Previous Blog
0200 hrs – Flying in circles over Delhi, awaiting Landing Permission
0300 hrs – Just got hold of our luggage, moved out of Airport, met Chachaji and Bhaiya, met Shri too, Rimsha ko Bye bola…. NOTE – Shri, I don’t know how, got an Electric Jhatka while operating a Desert Cooler at his place, is fine now. Auntyji has accompanied him.
0400 hrs – Paet Pooja, Maggi Veg Atta Noodles, Bhujia, Hot Milk with ghar wale Biscuit (the ones I am taking to Mumbai also)
0400 hrs – 0930 hrs – Sleeping
Well, the train’s faster now, maybe doing speeds of over 120 kph.
Taking a break, will continue further later…
Blog 29.04.2006
Cruising at 0.78 Mach 37K Feet high in the Air
Well, the right place to write another blog entry…..
It’s been a while and it’s taken a lot of long thoughts going
SHE here :-D… Yeah, too lazy to write my own blog so having a guest appearance on Rishy’s :-D… We are together flying to HE tonight!!!!!! Okay… back to him.
As I was saying
It’s been a while and it’s taken a lot of long thoughts going into this one, hope to make it special…
And yes SHE, I was about to tell everyone that you are with me and we are heading to Delhi, though the similarity ends there..
SHE’s got her Summer Internship in Delhi at Pepsi and SHE’ll be there for the next 2 months… All the Best :( we’ll miss you here in Mumbai…
Now, ME…
I am going back HOME after about 6 months for about 30 hours :((
To attend a Family Function – for those of you who know, we have a Jaagran on the Night of the 29th April 2006…
Everybody’s there, YES, Everybody, I am eagerly awaiting reaching Delhi…
Then, I’ll be heading back to Mumbai to report at my Summer Project, at Standard Chartered Bank. Will be staying at our Hostel for the next 2 months (at the very least)
I think SHE’s Dozed off, SHE is sooooo very tired and sleepy, and usko thand lag rahi hai, but even now, I can see her Enthusiasm and Anxiety and Joy which is there in her anticipation to meet HIM…
SHE just said – Mujhko thand lag rahi hai
Told ya !!
Right now I am experiencing a crescendo of mixed feelings…
Bahut achha lag raha hai ki main ghar ja raha hu…
Bahut miss kar raha hu sabko…
I believe it’s part of the Package…
Baki when my feet will be firmly on the ground….
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Raghav - The Storyteller - No I - Lyrics
Girl you look so mesmerizing
You got me fantasizing
Your man's lost but you don't wanna find him
He's played you like a fool
Oh yeah I know you see me smiling
Maybe we shouldn't but we vibin'
Do you think that he would mind if
I took you for a dance or two
I've waited long enough
So please make up your mind
Because we're wasting precious time
I'm not gonna treat you like
Another girl on the side
No I... No I... No I... No I
No I can't bare to see you with him
When you should be with me
No I just can't stand to see you cry
No I
No I won't let you down
I'll be there when I should be around
No I can't be without you girl
For even one more night
No I
You ain't ever gonna change him
So tell me what you're contemplating
Baby why you keep me waiting
I don't know what to do
So you tried to tell him last night
Well that better be the last time
That you let the moment pass by
I can't get enough of you
I've waited long enough
So please make up your mind
Because we're wasting precious time
I'm not gonna treat you like
Another girl on the side
No I... No I... No I... No I
No I can't bare to see you with him
When you should be with me
No I just can't stand to see you cry
No I
No I won't let you down
I'll be there when I should be around
No I can't be without you girl
For even one more night
No I
No I can't bare to see you with him
When you should be with me
No I just can't stand to see you cry
No I
No I won't let you down
I'll be there when I should be around
No I can't be without you girl
For even one more night
No I
I see you holding hands
I gotta hold it back
You shoulda told him that
I am the only one girl
Won't you make up your mind so
I can move on in life knowing
That you're by my side
So many reasons for you to believe in our love
No I can't bare to see you with him
When you should be with me
No I just can't stand to see you cry
No I
No I won't let you down
I'll be there when I should be around
No I can't be without you girl
For even one more night
No I
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Friends OST Lyrics - For My Friends....
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
or even your year, but...
I'll be there for you...
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you...
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too.
You're still in bed at ten, though work begins at eight,
You burned your breakfast, so far things are going great,
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these,
But she didn't tell you
when the world was brought down to your knees
I'll be there for you...
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you...
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too.
No one could ever know me. No one could ever see me.
Seems your the only one who knows what it's like to be me
Someone to face the day with.
Make it through all the mess with.
Someone I'll always laugh with.
Even at my worst, I'm best with....
you - yeah
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
or even your year, but...
I'll be there for you...
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you...
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too...
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Happy Birthday She-Spirit !!
1, Mathematically
Equal, Reciprocally
Almost a Palindrome
My best friend’s B’day, actually
She’s called many names
I call her by some
If she is thirsty
She asks us for “mum”
Is excellent company
Has the most pleasing smile
If ever required
She walks the extra mile
Never ever have I
Written poetry for anyone
Might seem difficult
But, trust me, it’s great fun
I don’t remember
When I met her first
I feel I am blessed
Better than the rest
She’s been my confession box
Has been of late
Kuch bhi keh lo
She’s simply great
Life is tough
It has always been
With you around
It’s better than what could have been
Has an aura around her
Commands our respect
God Bless You, young lady
You deserve the Best
On your special day
You are wished
Happiness, peace, sunshine